types of Sapphire

5 Popular Types of Sapphire Gemstones Used

June 17, 2024

Posted by: vummidi

Category: Collection


Did you know sapphires come in more colours than just blue? Dive into the world of sapphires with our exploration of five popular types, each bringing its own unique beauty and charm. Which sapphire colour speaks to you? Find out as we explore the 5 most popular types of sapphire gemstones.

Let’s Begin

Sapphires are gems that captivate with their dazzling array of colours and timeless elegance. While most people are familiar with the classic blue sapphire, this gemstone comes in a stunning variety of hues, each with its own unique appeal and story. From the romantic pink sapphire to the rare and vibrant green sapphire, these gemstones are not only beautiful but also rich in meaning and tradition. 

In this blog, we will explore the five popular types of sapphire gemstones, finding what makes each one special and how they can add a touch of brilliance to your jewellery collection.

5 Types of Sapphire Gemstones Used

Sapphires are more than just blue gems; they come in a variety of colours, each with its own charm and story. These stunning gemstones are loved for their beauty and durability. Let’s explore five popular types of sapphire gemstones used in jewellery, shedding light on their unique features and what makes them so special.

1. Blue Sapphires

Blue Sapphires

When people think of sapphires, they often picture blue ones. Blue sapphires are like a piece of the night sky, deep and captivating. Their colour can range from light, almost sky-blue, to a deep, rich navy.

What Makes Them Special?

  • Variety of Shades: From light blue to dark, there’s a shade for everyone.
  • Symbolism: Often linked to wisdom and calmness, blue sapphires are believed to bring mental clarity.
  • Everyday Wear: They are durable enough for daily use, making them perfect for rings and bracelets.

These sapphires are a top choice for engagement rings and other special pieces, adding a touch of elegance and timeless beauty to any jewellery collection.

2. Pink Sapphires

Pink Sapphires

Pink sapphires are a delightful surprise. They bring a soft, romantic feel to jewellery, ranging in colour from light pink to vivid magenta.

What Makes Them Special?

  • Romantic Hues: Their pink tones are perfect for pieces meant to symbolise love.
  • Versatile Beauty: They can be used in a variety of jewellery types, from delicate rings to bold necklaces.
  • Modern Appeal: Pink sapphires are trendy and add a fresh, contemporary look to jewellery.

Pink sapphires are a favourite for anniversary gifts and are often chosen for unique engagement rings, standing out with their lovely, warm colours.

3. Yellow Sapphires

Yellow Sapphires

Yellow sapphires bring sunshine wherever they go. Their bright and cheerful hues can range from pale yellow to deep golden.

What Makes Them Special?

  • Vibrant Colors: They offer a sunny, uplifting vibe that can brighten up any jewellery piece.
  • Good Fortune: Traditionally, yellow sapphires are thought to attract wealth and success.
  • Striking Presence: They are perfect for statement pieces, making a bold and joyful statement.

These sapphires are popular in rings and pendants, especially in traditional designs that highlight their bright, optimistic colour.

4. White Sapphires

White Sapphires

White sapphires are a clear, elegant alternative to diamonds. They might lack the colour, but they make up for it with their pure, brilliant sparkle.

What Makes Them Special?

  • Timeless Elegance: Their clear, bright look is perfect for classic jewellery designs.
  • Affordable Luxury: They offer the look of diamonds without the hefty price tag.
  • Versatile: White sapphires can be paired with any outfit or other gemstones.

White sapphires are ideal for those looking for a budget-friendly yet elegant option. They are often used in engagement rings, earrings, and pendants.

5. Green Sapphires

Green Sapphires

Green sapphires are a rare and beautiful sight. Their shades can range from light, minty green to deep, forest green, offering a unique look.

What Makes Them Special?

  • Natural Beauty: Their green hues evoke images of nature and growth.
  • Unique Appeal: They are less common, making them a distinctive choice for those who like to stand out.
  • Serenity and Renewal: Green sapphires are believed to bring balance and calmness.

These gemstones are great for anyone looking to add a touch of uniqueness to their jewellery collection. They look stunning in rings and pendants, offering a fresh, vibrant colour that’s different from the norm.

Caring for Your Sapphire Jewellery

Sapphires are durable, but they still need care to maintain their beauty. Here are some tips:

Regular Cleaning

  • Gentle Soap and Water: Clean your sapphires with mild soap and a soft brush to keep them sparkling.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Stay away from strong cleaning agents that might damage the stone.

Safe Storage

  • Separate Storage: Keep your sapphires in a soft pouch or separate compartment to avoid scratches.
  • Avoid Extreme Conditions: Don’t expose your sapphires to extreme temperatures for prolonged periods.

Bespoke Sapphire Jewellery Collection At VBJ

Established in 1900, our rich heritage spans over a century of creating timeless jewellery pieces that resonate with both tradition and modernity. At Vummidi Bangaru Jewellers, we take pride in our legacy of delivering unparalleled quality and exquisite designs.

Our collection is a reflection of our commitment to artistry and innovation. For those who desire something truly unique, our bespoke jewellery collections are a must-have in your jewellery collections. 

Summing up

Sapphires are truly remarkable gemstones, celebrated not just for their beauty but for their versatility and enduring appeal. Each type of sapphire, from the classic blue to the unique green, offers its own story and charm. Blue sapphires captivate with their timeless elegance, pink sapphires add a touch of romance, yellow sapphires shine with cheerfulness, white sapphires offer pure sophistication, and green sapphires bring a rare and refreshing vibrancy.

Remember, taking care of your sapphire jewellery ensures it remains as stunning as the day you first wore it. Explore the various types of sapphires, find the one that speaks to you, and let it become a cherished part of your jewellery collection.

FAQs Related to Types of Sapphire Gemstones

1. How can I choose the right sapphire for my jewellery?

Choosing the right sapphire involves considering factors like colour preference, symbolism, and the occasion for which the jewellery is being purchased. It’s also important to consider the cut, clarity, and carat weight of the sapphire to ensure it fits your personal style and budget.

2. Are sapphires durable enough for everyday wear?

Yes, sapphires are highly durable gemstones, making them suitable for everyday wear. They are resistant to scratches and damage, making them an excellent choice for rings, bracelets, and other frequently worn jewellery.

3. How do I care for my sapphire jewellery?

To care for your sapphire jewellery, clean it regularly with mild soap and a soft brush. Avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures. Store your sapphire pieces separately in a soft pouch or jewellery box to prevent scratches.

4. Can sapphires be used in engagement rings?

Absolutely! Sapphires, especially blue ones, are a popular choice for engagement rings due to their beauty and durability. They are a timeless alternative to diamonds and can add a unique touch to engagement ring designs.

5. How are sapphires graded?

Sapphires are graded based on their colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The colour is the most significant factor, with the most valuable sapphires exhibiting rich, vibrant hues. Clarity refers to the presence of inclusions, while the cut affects the stone’s brilliance. The carat weight measures the size of the sapphire.



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